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Our VIEW™ is a Button Structural Glass Balustrade Railing System that provides the clearest view imaginable. This system consists of 1/2” (minimum) SGP laminated glass or 5/8″ PVB laminated glass and fascia mounted with fixed point holders in stainless steel.
VIVA’s tempered glass infills provide optimal line of sight as well as an understated elegance. Our glass infills range from a minimum of 3/8″ PVB or SGP laminated glass. Colored, patterned and frosted glass are additional options based on design intent and need.
Our SHOE™ Structural Glass Railing System is an aluminum glass railing system with a patented compression set aluminum base shoe system. SHOE™ Glass Railing is perfect for commercial interior or exterior, balcony railing or stair railing applications. In addition, this architectural railing solution provides a fall protection system without the use of an unsightly barrier. SHOE™ Aluminum Glass Railing can be either top or fascia mounted. It is available with a glass bracket mounted handrail, round top cap or a U-channel top cap. Base shoe is available in stainless steel or an anodized aluminum cladding.
The UNT Business Leadership Building, or as the students know it, the BLB is housed to fit over 7500 students, over 50 faculty members and a staff of over 50 university workers. One of the top schools of business UT needed an upgrade for the growing number of students to read, study and teach with some of the top faculty in the state. and with HUNT Construction, VIVA, and Jacobs Architects, we brought the new facility into a reality.
Hunt Construction thrives on an active dedication to their client’s needs and design ideas. Created by Hunt, Huber, and Nichols back in the 1940s, Hunt believes that the right people bring the right results.
Jacobs Architects is located in the heart of downtown Dallas and has a passion for bringing buildings to life.