Guardrail panels act as an integral element to achieve safety with a guardrail no matter where it’s location. According to the International Building Code (IBC) guards must be at least 42 inches high, measured vertically, from walking surfaces, including aisles, stairs, ramps, and landings that are more than 30 inches above the floor below at any point within 36 inches horizontally to the edge of the open side.
Guards and handrail panels can be framed, with each panel highlighted or installed without a frame to create a continuous look along the length of the guard. They can also come with a top rail for added safety and guidance or without for a clean and minimal look.
Guardrail panel infills are available in a range of materials and styles that need to meet IBC standards while acting as a standout design element of the project. VIVA Railings offers metal and glass handrail infill options, and within those two broader categories there are a number of options that can fit the needs of your project.
The 5 Best Guardrail Panel Options From Viva Railings
Although there are several handrail panel options available from Viva Railings, there are 5 options that stand out as the best for commercial designs.
Here they are:
1. Glass Infill Systems

Glass guardrail infill offers a modern aesthetic, especially when paired with metal posts and railings. Or it can integrate a traditional element with wood handrails in a finish that complements the overall design.
Glass infills in guardrails must be laminated glass constructed of fully tempered or heat-strengthened glass, but in some cases when there is no walking surface below the guard or one that is fully protected from a falling railing, the glazing can be single fully tempered glass.
Our glass systems are fully code compliant with the IBC and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards, and we offer a range of glass systems to fit your needs.
Structural glass guard railing infill panels are available in three options — Base Shoe, Stand Offs, and Brackets. These options allow you to create the specific look you need to complete the design. The Base Shoe system uses a continuous base shoe to hold the glass infill panels in place. This uninterrupted mounting system creates a clean and continuous look that transitions seamlessly from the floor to the top of the system. Stand Off systems are fixed to the side of the mounting surface to hold the glass away and create a floating look. The Bracket system secures the glass panels to the substrate and adds a modern element.
We can also customize the glass handrail infill with patterned glass, patterned ceramic frit, frosted glass, tinted glass, and colored glass.
Metal Panel Systems

Metal panel guard systems provide safety and security while adding a customized touch that makes a statement. Our metal panel systems are available with a range of infill options that range from perforated metal to wire mesh to picket panel.
2. Framed Perforated Metal

Alt Text: an image of framed perforated metal guardrail panels from Viva Railings
Perforated metal panels made of stainless steel offer superior durability as they resist corrosion and stand up well to wear and tear. Framed perforated metal panels are available with a number of perforated shapes and patterns that include square, round, slotted, and staggered perforations as well as the option of custom geometric perforations. Formed metal panels use laser cutting technology and form metal sheets into the desired pattern and design.
3. Framed Wire Mesh

Framed wire mesh options come in a range of patterns that include a rectangular grid, vertical or horizontal lines, woven mesh, a diamond grid, and many more that allow you to customize the guard to your design specifications. The framing makes each panel standout highlighting the guard railing design.
4. Cable and Multiline

Cable and multiline railing systems are post supported systems that incorporate an infill that runs through the posts to create a clean and contemporary look. This type of system works well where visibility and safety are the top priorities. These systems can also be curved to create a smooth line that follows the necessary path.
5. Picket Panel

Picket panel infills feature vertical bars that provide visibility and a clean, contemporary look while maintaining the necessary code compliance and safety levels.
6. CableNet

Another option for guardrail infill is CableNet. This infill option provides a strong, durable, and safe solution that provides space for visibility and separation. It’s best to use in areas that have an elevated surface—and in areas where personal items (such as phones, for example) should be prevented from falling.
VIVA’s Guardrails Are Ideal for Style and Code Compliance
Where a guard is necessary, it’s important to choose one that blends style and functionality and offers design options, so it can integrate into the design. VIVA’s guards offer the ideal balance between functional safety and aesthetic design. Our wide range of railing infill options allows you to choose the best fit for your project, and our products meet building code standards for strength, durability, and opening size while being aesthetically pleasing and offering customization options, including
Post mounting options
Powder coating
Wood or metal handrails
LED illuminated railings
Post style options
Contact the experts at VIVA Railings today to see our range of guardrail panels and choose the best one for your project.